2020年5月19日 星期二

People who are most willing to give are the one with the most blessings

◎ Kristie Tompson

Thank you to the grace of heaven and virtue of predecessors for this opportunity to share my takeaways from the 2020 Community Children’s Sutra workshop in Michigan on February 4th-5th.

While sitting in the two-day workshop, I gained a greater understanding of the love and generosity this Tao community has, and that I am blessed to be welcomed by. I learned that our children are the greatest opportunity to open our hearts and share love.

How could I not be drawn to this bright light? I am a parent of two brilliant daughters, ages 5 and 2. They are the next generation. I was not raised with any knowledge of Tao. I had never even heard of the word until March 2018. As a child I was raised non-religious or spiritual with my sister by my beautiful mother, and father. He was an abusive man, and an alcoholic my entire life, until he passed last July. A childhood I vowed to learn from and use as a tool to expand my capacity for giving.

When I was invited to this workshop to be trained to teach Children’s Sutra, I was honored and so excited. Teacher Brenda and Teacher Sunny have taught my children with such kindness and impacted my whole family. It is a special moment we spend together in this busy time we’re in. A whole new experience and gift we never had until we came to the Michigan Zhong Shu Temple.

During this 2-day workshop, I was educated on the concept of children’s Sutra and classroom management. This is a wonderful class for our children to learn the teachings from our Saints and Sages. By giving ourselves to this opportunity, we are giving the students the ability to improve memorization skills and to learn new languages. To plant the seed during elite memorization times with Saints and Sages’ wisdom.

Teaching young children does not require a degree, or for us to be of a certain class, or age. It requires us to be their role models. Whether we help prepare the class, lead the class, or even pass out snacks, we all are important professionals leading the future. The students absorb information, skills, and happiness in many different ways. We can encourage students with a big smile and love. We can reward them for their positive attributes, and naturally other students will follow. The immediate reward of praise, or fun sticker can be felt within. Parents will see our open hearts and will hopefully cultivate their growing seed inside themselves too. Ultimately, to receive Tao. As Sutra teachers, we teach at the individual’s progress. We are amazing humans, not clones.

Just like Buddha’s big belly, long ears, and gracious smile; we too have the capacity to give, have longevity, and are lucky with Tao essence. The people who are most willing to give are the people with the most blessings. The power of love can be passed.

Tao has changed my life to where I feel reborn. Yet, I also feel my truest, simple self. Tao is not a widely known, or understood concept among the people I have relationships with. I have been lectured at times, and scolded for me and my family’s spiritual growth. But I can see the essence of Tao everywhere around me. I have become more patient, and remain calm rather than trying to take control. It is not mine to take control of. My three treasures are sacred and so important to me. I have an inner light glowing, and I plan to pass that along to anyone around me. We can all continue learn and grow, to benefit for the next generation.

I am thankful and blessed to have Temple, Dian Chuan Shi, Tan Chu and many Tao relatives to show me Tao.


◎ 中譯  陳碧峰

感謝 天恩師德,讓後學有機會參加今年(2020)2月4日至5日,在美國密西根州忠恕道院舉辦的社區親子讀經班師資培訓營,並分享心得及收穫。







「道」改變了我的生命,讓我重生;同時,也讓我找回了最真實、最簡單的自我。「道」並不廣為人知,包括我的父母及親戚,有時他們還會指責我們全家的修行,可是我仍然感受到身邊處處都有「道」。 修道後,後學變得更有耐心及平靜,而不再去掌控,因為控制權不在我。能求得三寶是如此神聖、如此重要! 後學內在的自性光芒在增長,我有愿要將它傳遞給周圍的每一個人,共同學習和成長,以造福下一代。





◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...