2021年12月6日 星期一

No Longer Here, but Never Forgotten

No Longer Here, but Never Forgotten

◎ Christopher Webb  中譯  詹薏靜

I met John 27 years ago when he invited me–a person he had never met and didn’t know anything about–into his home when we came into town from Iowa for the new temple grand opening in El Monte. I had learned of the Tao from Judy for some time back at school, but after we came back from the temple, John and I had a long talk about a lot of things: a talk which ended with us all going back to the temple so I could obtain the Tao that night. Our visit with John and Julie in their home, although it was a short stay–not more than a couple of days–left an impression on me that has endured to this day and I know will continue to endure for years to come.

我27年前認識John(黃東山壇主),當時我從愛荷華州到加州艾爾蒙地參加美國全真道院的開壇典禮。那時他邀請素昧平生的我前去他家作客。在這之前,我曾聽Judy (秋鶴)在學生時期談過幾次「道」;但開壇典禮之後,John與我天南地北、無所不談地聊了好久,也就是這次的長談促成了最終我與他一同回佛堂,得以在當晚求道的因緣。那次拜訪John與Julie(夫人陳純媚),雖說不過幾天光景,卻令我直至今日依然記憶猶新,我知道這段記憶將長存我心,不會消逝。

My mother taught me:  if you want to know what someone is really like, look at his children. What they are all about is the true reflection of who that person is. And those few days I spent with John’s two sons, James and Michael, taught me a lot about him that I didn’t even realize I’d learned until years later.

我母親曾教導我,如果想知道一個人真實的模樣,從他們的小孩身上即可窺知一二。小孩就如同一個人的鏡子一般,會反射出他所有實際的樣貌。但一直到多年後,我才恍然了悟,那些我與 John 的兩個兒子 James 與 Michael 相處的時光,告訴了我許多關於 John 的事。

In James I saw John’s compassion. His selfless nature. The consistency of who he was. John treated me the same way he treated everyone, and that was his gift. I used to think I was something very special. But to John, I wasn’t special at all. Not really. To John, everyone was special. That was why he treated everyone the same way.


In Michael I saw John’s countenance. His peaceful nature. His willingness to understand even in those things that seemed to have no understanding. When I was younger, I used to think I had to talk to be understood. But John could make himself understood without saying a word.


And in both of his sons, I saw John’s open heart. His need to think and to analyze and evaluate, but his refusal to judge. His willingness to listen to anything you thought you needed to say, and then to ask you questions until he was sure he understood.


And in my own children, I saw something that I didn’t really understand until I thought about it for a long time. My two daughters are both much like their father in that they really didn’t want to go out and do anything. They would much rather stay at home. But anytime we went to visit John and Julie at their flower shop, they always seemed to want to go along.


My wife Judy and I stopped by to visit John at his flower shop the day before he passed away. We had a nice long chat and John was his usual, smiling, happy self. But if I had known that that would be the last time I would ever get to speak with him, there are so many things I would have said. But they all would have amounted to some variation of: Thank you. Thank you for all you are and all you’ve meant to me and to my family. We will miss you. We will miss you very much.





◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...