2019年9月26日 星期四

Summer Camp

◎ Karen Wang

My name is Karen Wang, I am 17 years old, and grew up in Canada. This year Toronto Ming-Hwa Temple held a summer camp, of which the theme is Benevolent—Be Kind to All. And I had the privilege of being the ‟Banzhan (班長)” of the camp. I would like to start off by thanking Master Ho and everyone else who gave me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I would also like to thank my temple family for the support they have given me through the week of the camp.

▲  營隊的靈魂人物──班長Karen!

2019 was a year full of change; not only was the volunteer camp changed from two days to three days, but the camp itself was extended to five days (originally three). To start off, we had the benefit of having a three-day volunteer summer camp. This year, we were very lucky to have approximately 15 volunteers which was the most we’ve had compared to the previous years. As a representative from Toronto Ming-Hwa Temple, I appreciated the fact that we had friends from Taiwan coming and helping us prepare for this camp. We had a lovely woman named Da Guan preparing multiple activities for us volunteers to get to know each other better and become closer as one. I like to think that this year’s group became not only closer, but became a family. We all worked together to make this year’s summer camp a memorable one. I’m thankful that this year’s summer camp turned out the way it did as this was my last year doing this. Next year, I will be in the other city for college.

As mentioned, this was the first year that we had a three-day volunteer camp. Usually, we would have a two-day preparation with the counselors from Taiwan. This year we had two days getting to know one another and one day for preparation. Although the last day was long and involved learning all the classes, time went by fast as I had spent it with many of my friends. Playing the activities was not only fun, but very smart and effieient, for it made us evolved from each individual into a team. I would like to thank specifically Da Guan(大觀) for organizing this section as it was really helpful.

Now the real deal. Surprisingly, I was not nervous on the first day (August 19, 2019) of summer camp. I was very confident as many people have encouragingly said I’d do great and how they had the confidence in me. This first day was hectic and difficult to understand all the campers as this was my first time being the banzhan. Throughout the day, it was hard to get the children’s attention, but I found the method of saying ‟hands on top” and the kids replying ‟that means stop” was the way to go. I was very surprised that this method gathered their attention and was grateful that it did. The day did go by very slow, but from the first day I was able to learn a lot. As the days went by, it was the final day. I’m not lying, it flew by very quickly. The last day was the best day as all the kids were laughing. It made me smile when every single kid in the room had a big smile on their faces. That was probably the best memory I vividly remember. At the end of each summer camp, we asked for the kid’s feedback as well as a reflection. When I heard many kids talk, my heart grew bigger and bigger because of the amount of fun they said they had. This camp would not have happened without these kids and their positive attitude.

▲  「自我檢視」課程中,學員真誠分享活動感受。

I learned many things through this camp such as helping others and being patient. Why is additional patience needed? It was because different children need different things, and it would be disrespectful not to be attentive to each of them. I also learned how to quickly act if anything in the schedule was to change. Thinking back, although there were many ups and downs during the camp itself and the preparation (started last December) for the camp was lengthy, this year’s camp did fly by fast. I genuinely feel that I have learned lots from this camp and from the people I have interacted with. Also, since I want to be a teacher in the near future, this was an extremely great chance to see if being a teacher was suitable for me. Lastly, I would like to thank those who made this year’s camp possible starting from Master Ho, the coordinator, the friends from Taiwan, the volunteers, the kids, and finally the hardworking chefs. Without those chefs, we would not have tasty lunch nor snacks for everyone. Overall, this opportunity was greatly appreciated.


◎ 中譯  王己芸  謝雅琦

我是17歲的Karen Wang(王己芸),從小在加拿大長大。今年,承蒙何阿木點傳師的栽培及厚愛,讓我有這榮幸學習擔任多倫多明華道院舉辦的「仁道我最行(Benevolent - Be Kind to All)」夏令營的班長。對我來說,擔任夏令營班長是一生中難得的一次機會!在此,我也想要感恩多倫多明華道院大家庭,在夏令營那一整個星期對我的支持;沒有這些學長的支持和鼓勵,我無法完成這項艱難的任務。


▲  大觀講師細心引導學員分享心得。



▲  營隊結束後,小隊輔歡慶留影。





◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...