2018年6月26日 星期二

My Faith in Tao(我對道的信念 )

◎ Ann Colburn, Florida, USA  中譯  英文三寶研習班詹薏靜

Thanks to the grace of heaven and virtue of predecessors for this opportunity to share my realization and takeaways from 2018 English Silent Tao seminar in Michigan, held on May 18-20, 2018.

Seeing the growth of many new attendees and Tao relatives in the service team in the Michigan Zhong Shu Temple, I realized that cultivating Tao and approaching people through their heart is more effective. Approaching in different ways can open many opportunities for new Tao relatives to learn and to grow. We give from the heart and the one with good affinity will receive from the heart and will grow beautifully in cultivation.

Another realization through my cultivation is: only a person with pure spirit can change people’s lives. And only sincere one will improve in cultivation. 2018 English Tao seminar inspired me to extend my vows. My inner light gets brighter every time I come back to temple.

I want to share this touching incidence that happened to me on my way to Tao seminar. I was worried about my speaking because I knew I would share in public for the first time. While I was in the airplane I wrote down my thoughts and stories that I was going to share. I kept on writing until the airplane landed in Detroit, Michigan. I walked to the baggage claim and waited for the baggage, but my mind was still worried about my speaking the whole time.

While I was thinking and many thoughts ran through my mind, one man walked to me with a blissful face like he was so happy to see me. He said to me that he was so glad to have found me because he wanted to tell me something. These were the words he said: ‟Are you a writer? Are you trying to write stories or something to change people’s lives? I have a vision of you writing when I was on the airplane and I saw a gold pen on your hand which means that what you are writing can be a life changing for many people. And do you know only a pure spirit can do that? I just wanted to tell you, God sent me to tell you this. Keep on your writing and I hope you finish your story. Can I pray for you?” He held my hands and said the prayer and blessed me for whatever I was going to share.

This incidence really touched me. God (Lau Mu) has heard my heart and my wish to help others to have a strong faith in Tao. Lau Mu knows what I hold in my heart and what I need at that moment. I need courage to break through my comfort zone. It’s amazing how God shows us in different ways as He always looks out for us when we cultivate Tao.

Sincerity is a key to Tao cultivation. When our mind and thoughts are pure, we can connect to Lau Mu’s heart (God). I would like to encourage Tao cultivators who live far away from temple (including myself) to stay firm on the path and have a strong faith in Tao. Even though we are far away from the physical temple, we have our inner temple within us. We can still cultivate through our sincere heart and live by example no matter where we are.

When we share Tao with others, share from our heart and stay within our true nature.‟Walk the talk”: Lead people to Tao path by being good examples. Spread Tao to the world and transform our lives. Bad karma can turn into good and the future becomes brighter. Cultivating Tao is like swimming against the ocean wave. It might not be smooth and easy, but it will be worthwhile at the end.

Tao has changed my life for the better. It changed my attitude—how I think and how I act toward life. My relationships with parents and friends become better. Before I received Tao, I was a strong ego person. I didn’t know how to reflect on my own wrongdoings. I always thought I was right and someone else was wrong. After I learn more about Tao and cultivate Tao, I become a better person. I become more passionate, more patient, mindful, respectful, and more forgiving even with someone who tried to destroy my life.

Tao is the most precious gift that I have ever had in my life. Tao has changed my life to the right direction. I finally learned what the meaning of life was and what the true joy was, through Tao cultivation. Tao gives me strengths when I need. Tao helps me to overcome a big trial in my life and always keeps me from calamities. If I didn’t have Tao I wouldn’t be the person I am now today.

I probably became a crazy person when someone accused me and put me in jail and tried to send me back to my home country and took my 4 years old daughter away from me. How would anyone from another country and don’t speak English well handle that situation? I admit it was very difficult for me to handle. My heart was torn into pieces when my daughter was taken away from my arms and I didn’t know whether I would be able to see her again.

At that time, Tao was the only thing I had that held me up and helped me to stay strong. I have overcome that trial and I am so grateful that I have Tao in my life and be able to continue this precious journey.

Thanks to Tien En Shr De for everything that I have today.

Thank you, Dian Chuan Shi and Tan Chu, for your good examples and your hard work of taking care Tao community so our true self can go back to our true home—the Home of Truth, Peace and Love.

Wish everyone stays firm in Tao path and help each other to transform this world to a better place. Learn and grow and preserve a wonderful dharma for our next generation.

Hope the best for everyone.







這件事讓我感受良多,上天(老母)聽到了我心聲以及想要讓他人對道更有信心的願望, 老母知道當時我心中所想與所需要的。我需要勇氣走出我的舒適圈。這一切很不可思議,上天以不同的方式讓我們知道:只要我們持續精進修道,祂一定會照顧著我們。

誠心是修道之鑰,當我們的心靈及思想保持純潔,就可以與 老母(上天)的心連結。我想鼓勵那些住家離佛堂比較遠的道親們(包括我自己),要持續又堅定地走在這條路上,並且對道要有強烈的信心。就算我們離實體的佛堂很遠,但我們自身還有一個內在的佛堂。不管身在何處,我們依然能夠誠心修道,也都能夠隨著前賢們的步伐向前走。






感謝 天恩師德,讓我擁有現在的一切。







◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...