2020年3月27日 星期五

Reflection on Tao Seminar – To Be of Service

◎ Fatimah

The Chinese Tao Seminar October 11-13, 2019, has come and gone—but its virtue still touches our hearts and nourishes our souls.

Thanks to the Grace of Heaven, and the support and guidance of our Chinese Tao family—who we deeply love and appreciate, we (English Tao cultivators) were fortunate to be of service.  It was an honor and a blessing to be present, and to be a part of the Service Team.

We continue to assess and reflect on the experience— and the experience continues to impress upon our consciousness— the wisdom and blessings of cultivating Tao.

It was amazing to come together as one family—with multi-cultural, multi-generational Tao Cultivators studying and practicing Tao as one.  The Tao seminar was the embodiment of the potential for humanity to restore its True Nature, and to live in oneness, peace and love.  Truly inspiring to witness!

The power of service is one of our greatest lessons from the Seminar.  Being a part of the service team truly deepened our understanding of service.  Our capacity to love, respect and value the blessings of service was greatly expanded.

In the kitchen there are many opportunities for egos to rise, and differences of opinion to create judgment and anger.  But, as students of Tao we were able to reflect on our most recent class study of Buddha Conduct.  Applying Buddha Conduct as we worked with one another gave us the wisdom we needed to remember to be—flexible, humble, courteous and kind, and to highly regard heavenly work.  With our focus on the proper conduct we were able to keep our hearts focused on the most important things—keep Tao Joy in our hearts, love in the food, stay flexible, be good role models, and follow in the footsteps of our predecessors.

The Tao seminar taught us the meaning of service-cultivation—It created an opportunity to practice, and apply Tao principles and Buddha Conduct—creating both a practical and spiritual learning experience.  It gave us an opportunity to build our self worth, value others, lead by example, and bring care and goodness to others.

It is with humility and gratitude that we receive the blessing and gift of Tao.  We (English Tao Cultivators) are truly grateful for the VOW of our Chinese Tao family, who have made many sacrifices to keep the purity and sacredness of Tao intact.  The journey of Tao from East to West has endured many challenges including cultural and language barriers.  We thank you whole-heartedly, for your perseverance and that of our predecessors. 

It is ‟Thanks to the Grace of heaven,” and your sacrifices that we too can know the truth, peace and love of Cultivating Tao—and returning to our True Nature. 
We are all connected to each other!  Our collective cultivation brings peace and good merit to one’s self, family and to the world.


◎ 中譯  美國密西根忠恕道院文書組


感謝 天恩師德,感謝我們所深愛和要感恩的道,在整個大家庭的支持和帶領下,讓我們(美國英文道親)很榮幸地承擔無畏施,有服務了愿的機會。能夠參與,並成為服務團隊的成員,讓我們深感那是一份榮耀及福報。







因 天恩師德和前人輩的犧牲奉獻,我們才能夠體證「修道的真諦、和平與愛」,並學習回歸自己的真如本性。





◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...