◎ 美國洛杉磯全真道院 陳柏瑋
Thanks to the Grace of Heaven and the Holy Teacher for giving me the opportunity to attend the 2020 Sutra Seminar. I was very fortunate to attend the seminar twice. First at Tian Hui in Cupertino on February 1st and February 2nd and then at my home temple, The Great Tao Foundation of America, on February 7th and 8th. I am very grateful to the Taiwan team: Lecturer Meg Chen, Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung, Virtue Studies Class Leader Olivia Chen and Zhong Shu Institute Year 4 Assistant Class Leader Laura Chen, for facilitating such an exemplary seminar.
The seminar was outstanding in how much was accomplished in such a short amount of time. In the span of two days, Lecturer Meg Chen and Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung were able to effectively train attendees on how to successfully run a youngster sutra class. Condensing years of experience into two days of classes is no small feat and although there are areas of information that could not be covered simply due to time limitations, the fundamentals were skillfully passed on through lectures, hands-on activities and discussions.
▲ 培訓營帶來深刻的震撼。 |
I found the hands-on activities to be especially memorable. From having Class Leaders Olivia and Laura teach variations of the classic ‟Love Clap” to simulating an actual sutra class, this was the first time I had attended a seminar where the activities were so well integrated into the lecture material. Listening to the lecturers share their knowledge and watching the veterans demonstrate leading a class was easy but as we all know, observing and actually doing it ourselves are two very different things. As someone whose Mandarin is conversational at best, these activities had a greater impact on me than most of the other attendees. I would like to thank my exercise partners once more for the awkward moments of silence when I ran out of ways to promote learning sutra. Three minutes of talking can be quite a long time. However, most if not all, definitely benefited from these exercises. Practicing what is being taught in lectures is a straightforward concept that can produce fantastic results. It serves many purposes: attendees are focused in lecture, reinforces the material, provides opportunity to gain experience and dissipates nerves of having to stand in front of an audience and teach. It is a practice that I hope to see more incorporated in the future when the circumstances allow for it.
Whereas the hands-on activities served an excellent purpose of creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and participation, the lectures themselves were rich with knowledge. In great part due to Lecturer Meg Chen and Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung’s adept lecturing abilities, the information was presented in a well-organized and easy to comprehend manner. As this was a seminar on hosting a sutra class, the material was tailored as such. If one looks a little beneath the surface though, one can find that it was also a seminar on human psychology. What is the most effective way to build relationships? How do we keep children interested and focused on learning when many have a lot of energy and will find it hard to sit still? Make them want to come back? What are the differences between parents and children and how do we cater to both? Why is it very important to initially meet parents who do not have an I-Kuan Tao background where they are at but also have them aware of the said background? These questions and many more were masterfully addressed by the lecturers and what I believe makes the seminar truly stand out.
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▲ 演練時熱情參與,學習讀經帶動技巧。 |
For example, when I was attending the seminar the first time at Tian Hui, one part of Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung’s lecture really stuck with me. It had me view the entire two days with this additional psychology perspective. Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung was sharing how almost every family that goes through the sutra classes end up receiving Tao and make the transition into the Tao society. This achievement alone is already highly impressive but as one who has grown up in the temple and knows how hard it can be to propagate Tao, accomplishing this in such a short amount of time and being able to replicate the results again and again is nothing short of extraordinary. For one session of sutra classes to be three to four months long, one time a week for one hour, is very little time. Yes, there has to be a lot of additional behind-the-scenes work through online platforms and scheduled get-togethers outside of class but regardless, a very thorough and well-developed strategy must be utilized for this to be so successful. Paraphrasing and translating what Lecturer Chin-Shih Hung said in her lecture, ‟The Tao society mindset is traditionally to have everything done nicely for a new Tao member in order to have them feel comfortable. We do not want to inconvenience them in fear of scaring them away. This is not effective. Instead, the more we can have parents and children help out, the better.” My own conclusion to this, and from my own beliefs, is that essentially people tend to develop relationships faster and easier through shared experiences. It is typically the actions and not words that make the greater impact on a day-to-day basis. Both are crucial and complement one another but as a whole, we may often neglect the actions a little more when interacting with the general Tao member.
This is only one of numerous tidbits of wisdom presented at the seminar. What we have learned in these two days is how to utilize sutra classes to get prospective Tao members to the door and receive Tao. As attendees, we are privileged to receive all this invaluable knowledge simply by attending, listening and partaking in the seminar. Lastly I would also like to dedicate my sincere gratitude to the Tao Administrative Centre in facilitating this successful Sutra Seminar. I trust that through this exchange and dialogue we have planted a seed of hope, which one day this seed will flourish so that more and more locals can learn about the great depth of the wisdom and philosophies of Oriental Saints, eventually leading to more and more sentient beings with affinity to benefit from the Buddhas’ great blessings!
◎ 中譯 詹薏靜
感謝 天恩師德,讓後學有機會參與這次2020年的社區讀經師資培訓營。後學很幸運能夠參與培訓營兩次,第一次是2月1日及2日在美國庫比蒂諾的天惠堂,第二次則是2月7日及8日在後學所屬的美國洛杉磯全真道院。由衷感謝臺灣團隊——陳玉梅講師、洪青詩講師、陳芝維學長及陳玟寧學長——讓此次的培訓營得以圓滿順利。
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▲ 圍圈演練3分鐘說明親子讀經的好處,藉此邀請親友及成全道親參加親子讀經班。 |
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▲ 研討會第二天適逢元宵節,天廚菩薩慈悲做湯圓給大家吃。 |