2021年11月3日 星期三

Significance and Takeaways of the 2021 English Tao Seminar held during the Pandemic Part 1

Significance and Takeaways of the 2021 English Tao Seminar held during the Pandemic Part 1

◎ Courtesy of San Francisco and Michigan Zhong Shu Temple, USA 美國舊金山及密西根忠恕道院提供

Seeing the impermanence of the world, the fragility of life, the speed of global warming... and at the same time, thinking of how our Divine Patriarch, Divine Matriarch, enlightened predecessors, senior spiritual leaders, all Dian Chuan Shi’s, all sincere Tao cultivators and many others devoted their life for cultivating and propagating Tao with great virtues, we are reminded not to stop sharing Tao with others. 


The English Tao Seminar, which is usually held once a year for two days and two nights, had to be cancelled last year due to the pandemic. Seeing that there are more and more English-speaking Tao relatives who are new to the community, they urgently need the Dharma to better understand Tao and to put Tao into practice by attending an English Tao Seminar. With the grace of Heaven and virtues of predecessors, we think of the compassionate reminder of our predecessor Wu Dian Chuan Shi, ‟It is not difficult as long as we have a sincere heart.” Although the pandemic was still on-going, Dian Chuan Shi led everyone to bow in front of the altar, and also carefully planned, brainstormed and engaged temple staff and new Tao relatives, working hard to establish safety protocols and overcome technical challenges. Many San Francisco and Metro Detroit English-speaking Tao relatives returned to attend the in-person seminar. The seminar combined two places together, and synchronized all the classes by utilizing Zoom. The seminar ended up being spread over three weekends. Under this heaven-human collaboration, the English Tao Seminar in this pandemic was smoothly and successfully completed.

以往每年一次兩天兩夜的英文法會,去年因疫情而停辦,眼看新求道的英文道親(使用英語的道親)漸多,急需法會成全明理發心。頂著 天恩師德加被,想到吳仲雄點傳師的慈悲叮嚀:「有心就不難」,雖尚在疫情期間,點傳師慈悲帶著大家叩求、用心規劃、集思廣益、努力成全,克服安全及技術問題,舊金山與底特律兩地的英文新道親,都回到佛堂參加法會。再藉由Zoom 教室的連結使兩地的法會合而為一,兩地佛堂同步,分成前後三個週末,在天人共辦下,圓滿完成了此次疫情中的英文新道親法會。

* 8/22: One-day English Tao Seminar

* 8/28 & 8/29: Q&A sessions were divided into four two-way Q&A discussion sessions, conducted online through Zoom, so that those who have questions can have better understanding about Tao.

* 9/5: The feedback sharing from attendees through Zoom

We would like to thank Chu Dian Chuan Shi from Vancouver, Canada, who shared on the topic of ‟Karma, Cause and Effect” in almost every annual English Tao Seminar. This time attendees had the class through online Zoom. 

* 8/22/2021 一天英文法會

* 8/28 & 8/29/2021 將專題分成四個雙向問答討論時段,用Zoom進行,使心中有疑問的新道親可再深入了解真理。

* 9/5/2021 透過Zoom進行法會心靈迴響


Propagating Tao is to transmit the ‟heart”. Uplifting others is to help others ‟cross” the sea of suffering by transforming their life—to be able to help others to uplift nine generations of their descendants and seven generations of ancestors to transcend their life! Thanks to the grace of heaven and virtues of predecessors, we can have the opportunity to fulfill our vows during the pandemic, and the Tao seminar can be completed. We are all very grateful and moved! We are hereby attaching a few edited photos composed of images from two temples to show the significance of the seminar. 

傳道是傳「心」,度人成全是「度」生命的蛻變、是度九玄七祖盡沾光! 天恩師德的加被, 疫情中我們能有學習了愿的機會,法會可以圓滿,非常感恩及感動!謹附上此次法會所剪輯的兩個現場照片,以呈現法會的殊勝。

Reflection and Feedback from 2021 English Tao Seminar

※Alice Tsai

Thanks to the grace of heaven, I am fortunately able to participate in the service team! What I have learned is that service is not only about completing tasks assigned but more about being able to communicate many things involved during the Tao Seminar. Even if things that have been decided well in advance may need to be changed unexpectedly. Will I (my heart) still be able to remain centered during the changes, calmly accept the changes, and communicate with a gentle and courteous attitude to make necessary adjustments—utilizing the constant change to uplift our mind and expand our heart?

Tao is hidden and intangible. Every subtlety is a good opportunity for self-reflection. Every step and piece provides an important opportunity to engage, to inspire and to uplift Tao relatives, and to further strengthen their faith, vows and performance in cultivating and propagating Tao! ‟If we can cultivate Tao by holding on to our original intention and heart, we would not be far away from becoming a Buddha.” The responsibility we shoulder really is a great deal for those who walk in front of the new Tao relatives after seeing how significant their vows are and how much joy and aspiration they have!


感謝 天恩師德,後學有幸參與此次服務組的學習!後學在這次的服務中學習到,服務不是只有把事情做好,而是法會中有很多事情要溝通。即使已決定好的事,有可能臨時變化,在變化中後學的心是否還能不起伏,平靜地接受改變,用溫和謙恭的態度去溝通協調,在不斷的改變中,成就我們的心性?


※Linda Lee

To meet the needs of many new Tao relatives who speak English, Dian Chuan Shi decided to hold an English Tao Seminar. However, with the rapid changes of the pandemic, the original plan could not keep up with the changes. As a result, the temple decided to use the fewest staff to make in-person sessions possible by connecting both San Francisco and metro Detroit temples through Zoom. These were made possible by applying high-standard pandemic prevention measures, drilling over and over again. After several meetings, we made necessary adjustments and overcame technical difficulties!

In order to cope with the different time zones between two places, the class schedule was revised quite a few times. How to meet the needs of both temples was a challenge! In order to reduce the chance of spreading virus, most of the service team and chef team were filled by the speakers and the family members of the staff in the Tao seminar. Therefore, the service staff ranged from 10 to 70 years old. From the planning of the seminar, I witnessed many communications happen to guide new Tao relatives. Dian Chuan Shi led everyone to pray for Lau Mu’s mercy daily in the Worship Rituals, which made many new Tao relatives deeply moved. After suffering from a stroke, the main chef is not as agile as before. Even though she has had hip surgery, she still stood in the kitchen for the whole day! Her Tao heart and fearless devotion made my daughter understand the preciousness of Tao—we shall fearlessly take on heavenly responsibility as long as we are able to. Now my daughter often asks me when she can return to the temple! All attendees who participated in the Tao Seminar were full of joy and smiles, and wouldn't leave the temple even after the Tao seminar.

Standing inside the temple, I still remember vividly the first time I participated in the Tao seminar. Looking at the bricks and tiles of the temple, I would like to thank the grace of heaven and virtues of predecessors, and because of Lao Qian Ren, Dian Chuan Shi and predecessors for their dedication we could then have such a large community—this enables my whole family to come here to learn and fulfill our vows. Thank you Dian Chuan Shi for leading the English Tao Seminar during this pandemic under tremendous pressure. I wholeheartedly believe that we will continue to advance side by side, walking on the same path with Tao joy!




站在佛堂裡,回想起第一次參加法會的情景歷歷在目,看著佛堂的一磚一瓦,感謝  天恩師德,感恩老前人、各位點傳師,以及前賢們的付出才有這麼大的道場,這一次後學全家才可以到道場了愿。感謝點傳師頂著巨大的壓力,來帶領我們這次疫情中的英文法會,相信大家將帶著這份法喜,繼續在道的路上並肩前進!

※Andy Liu

After listening to Master Chu’s insightful sharing on the topic of ‟Karma, Cause and Effect.” We understand that ‟Karma” is the cycle of cause and effect. If there is an effect, there must be a cause, and if there is a cause, there must be an effect. All things in this world are interdependent, and worldly things are transient. With just a few decades each person has, how should we spend our lives?

The good and the bad are bound to be in the past. So whether you encounter good times or bad times, it is an opportunity to accumulate your wisdom, treat everything with gratitude, and cherish the present moment. Since there is no way to control the length of life, try to be your best self and increase the width of life. Let us be joyful every day with a smile on face and sunshine in our heart.


聽完褚點傳師「 因果業力」專題的感悟分享:Karma 即因果循環。有果必有因,有因必有果。這個世界所有事物相互依存,所有事物轉瞬即逝,人生短短幾十年,到底要怎樣度過?


※Sean Anomie

My day attending the Tao seminar was both comfortable and eye-opening. The people I met there could not have been more kind.  

I have been reading the Tao Te Ching for years, and I was able to connect instantly to many of the topics while being inspired by others. The discussions of Empathy, Karma, and dependent arising were very illuminating, and I find the discussion of the separation of truth from falsehood to be very timely and necessary for the time we find ourselves in. The idea that life has a purpose and therefore we must face reality wholeheartedly is a very valuable concept for me and so I was happy to be in a group where this is recognized. 

Overall I found the Tao seminar to be optimistic, practical, and inspiring. I look forward to future study and cultivation.



後學研讀《道德經》已多年,法會上除了受前賢的分享感動外,馬上可以和所有的專題連結起來。課堂上所學習到的同理心、因緣果報、真我假我…… ,讓我有所頓悟,對此時我們所身處的大環境,不只是適時而且是必要的。因每一個生命來到世上都具有其目的,我們必須以至誠之心去面對現實所處之環境,後學很高興我可以是有這種理念團體的一份子。


(To Be Continued)




◎ 劉黃河點傳師   邂逅 我們的大德張老前人,與後學的首次邂逅相遇,因緣可謂奇特,在那時之前,我們從未謀面,素昧生平。 那是後學退役後的事,後學工作於新店二十張路的一家公司,這公司的總經理也姓張,也是上海人。這位張君住在羅斯福路三段,就是台灣大學正對面...